FMC Chairman Mario Cordero visits SSE

  In the morning of Nov.2nd, accompanied by the officials from the US Consulate General in Shanghai, the Chairman of Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), Mr. Mario Cordero and the General Counsel, Mr. Tyler Wood visited Shanghai Shipping Exchange and had a meeting with SSE President Zhang Ye, Vice President Hong Xiaorong and other business directors.

  President Zhang Ye gave a briefing of what SSE is and what SSE does, and reviewed the long-term tie with FMC of good communication and cooperation. Chairman Cordero gave his affirmative comments and congratulations on SSE achievements and hoped to enhance the interaction in terms of maritime regulation, information and data sharing so as to substantially realize the FMC-SSE functionalities as “the maritime regulatory barometers in these two big maritime nations”.

  Both sides also interchanged the opinions of interested topics like the shipping trends, alliances, freight filing, carrier-shipper balance, etc.

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