Port of Rotterdam unveils US$5.7 million fund for zero-carbon port

  Jan.25--THE Port of Rotterdam Authority has initiated a EUR5 million (US$5.68 million) incentive scheme to foster climate change-friendly shipping by encouraging stakeholders to apply for funding for projects that make use of low-carbon or zero-carbon fuels in the port area.

  Said port CEO Allard Castelein: "We wish to play an active part in the reduction of CO2 emissions generated by the shipping sector. Through this scheme, we are able to give various parties just that extra financial push they need to realise a concrete project in this area."

  The port authority is urging shippers, shipping companies, fuel manufacturers and suppliers, engine manufacturers and service providers to take advantage of the new scheme that runs until the end of 2022.

  One of the port authority's goals is to decarbonise logistics chains that run via Rotterdam. This inspired Mr Castelein's announcement of the EUR5 million incentive scheme during the Energy in Transition Summit last April.

  The incentive scheme aligns with the goals set out in the World Ports Climate Action Programme launched in September 2018. Under this Rotterdam-led partnership, port authorities in Hamburg, Barcelona, Antwerp, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Vancouver and Rotterdam are working together on projects to reduce the shipping sector's contribution to global warming.

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